How to Practice Gratitude in Your Everyday Life

Woman walking in the waves at the beach practicing gratitude

"Thank you" is more than simple manners. It's a mindset — and a powerful one at that. Gratitude, when practiced regularly, can bring joy and contentment into our lives in an extraordinary way. It's a way of seeing the good in our lives even when times are tough, and it can be transformational for our perspective, relationships, and even our well-being. Here are some practical tips and real-life examples for cultivating gratitude daily.

Quick Tips for Practicing Gratitude Daily

Each morning, write down three things you're grateful for.

Study after study has shown that simply writing down what we're thankful for can cause a major shift in our happiness quotient — it literally rewires the brain so that the first thing we reach for in a stressful situation isn’t the “panic” button, but the “gratitude” button, which makes us calmer, stronger, and better able to navigate the challenge.

Gratitude has a doubling effect when it’s shared. Not only does making it a point to thank others send ripples of positivity through your network, it also strengthens our relationships. When was the last time someone stopped you in your tracks with a heartfelt thanks? Remember how that made you feel, and aim to give that same gift to others.

Gratitude quote by Mindy Kaling

Take the time to reflect

Gratitude and mindfulness are undoubtedly linked. When we’re fully in the present, you’re more likely to notice and deeply appreciate the delicious sweetness of your first morning cup of coffee or the play of sunlight in the trees. The more often we can take these pauses to notice and deeply feel the good, the more deeply grateful we can finally become. 

Create a gratitude jar

Constructing a physical gratitude jar, perhaps alongside your friends or family members, is a compelling means of making the practice feel even more tactile and immediate. Whenever you catch something good, write it on a scrap of paper and watch your daily snippets of spirit-lifting goodness pile up. On a day when you’re sunk low, you can crack the jar open and be reminded of the small, sweet pieces of life that are waiting to reawaken your heart. 


Volunteering is a wonderful way to cultivate gratitude. Serving others not only helps those in need, but it also helps put your own life into perspective. The act of giving your time and energy for the benefit of others is one you can’t help but feel grateful for. 

Setting Reminders

In the fast pace of day-to-day life, it can be hard to remember to stop and be thankful. Setting reminders—whether through alarms on your phone or sticky notes placed around your home or office—can help jog your memory to take a moment and reflect on what you are grateful for. 

The Impact of Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can change not only your perspective, but your life as well. Studies have shown that gratitude leads to greater feelings of happiness, lower instances of depression, as well as better physical health. Gratitude can also improve your relationships, increase your empathy, decrease aggression, and even help you to sleep better. The beauty of gratitude is that it can come in many forms and can be tailored to fit your life and your preferences.


Incorporating gratitude into your life doesn’t require monumental changes. It begins with small, consistent acts, such as writing in a journal, saying a few words of thanks, volunteering, or simply remembering the positives in your life. In making gratitude a habit, you open yourself to a life of greater joy and fulfillment. After all, gratitude is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. So what do you say—are you ready to give it a try?

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