How to Create an Affirmation Vision Board

Woman creating affirmation vision board for goals and aspirations

In the realm of personal development and positive psychology, affirmation vision boards are a powerful way to visualize one's goals and aspirations. Contrary to the usual objective-setting methods, they help make use of various visual images and affirmations to keep you motivated, inspired, and maintain a positive mindset. In so many ways, they paint both a picture of inspiration and a roadmap to get what you've only dreamed of. This article will explore how to create your own affirmation vision board, both in digital and physical formats, and provide inspiring examples of one and list some popular tools to help you do the same.

What Is An Affirmation Vision Board?

An affirmation vision board is a collection of images, quotes and affirmations that visually represent your dreams, goals and ideal life. By having them in a place where you’re likely to see them often, you’ll be reminded of what you’re aspiring to, which can be incredibly motivating. They can be physical, created on poster boards or cork boards, or digital, using various online tools and software.

Creating a Physical Affirmation Vision Board

Materials Needed:

  • Poster board or cork board
  • Magazines, printed images, quotes
  • Scissors
  • Glue or pins
  • Markers, or paint for decorating

Steps to Make a Physical Vision Board:

1. Clarify Your Goals: Start by reflecting on what it is you want to achieve in different areas of your life such as your career, relationships, health and personal growth.

2. Collect Images: Find images and quotes in magazines, or print them from online sources, that symbolize your goals and aspirations. These might be photos of your dream job, places you want to travel or words of inspiration.

3. Layout Your Board: Place your images and quotes on the board before gluing or pinning them onto your board. Move them around until you’re happy with the layout and it successfully represents your goals.

4. Add Affirmations: Write or print affirmations that resonate with your goals and place them on your board. Affirmations should be positive, in the present tense, and specific.

5. Display Your Board: Place your board somewhere you will see it every day, like by your desk or on your bedroom wall.


A physical board might have a picture of a serene beach if you're seeking tranquility, alongside a quote about peace. It could also include a photo of a healthy meal or a person exercising if wellness is a goal.

Creating a Digital Affirmation Vision Board

Digital affirmation vision boards offer the flexibility of being accessible from various devices, making them easy to view and update regularly.

Popular Tools:

1. Canva: Offers a wide range of templates and design elements perfect for creating digital vision boards.

2. Pinterest: Ideal for collecting and organizing images and quotes into a board format.

3. PicMonkey: Provides tools for editing images and adding text to create personalized vision boards.

Steps to Create a Digital Affirmation Vision Board:

1. Set Clear Goals: Similar to the physical board, start with clear, defined goals for what you want to achieve.

2. Gather Digital Content: Search for images, quotes, and affirmations online that align with your goals. Save these to your device or a specific folder.

3. Choose a Tool: Select a digital tool like Canva, Pinterest, or PicMonkey to create your board. Sign up or log in to start a new project.

4. Design Your Board: Upload your collected images and arrange them on your digital canvas. Add text for affirmations and decorate your board as you see fit.

5. Keep It Accessible: Save your digital board as a background on your computer or smartphone, or keep it in a location online where you can view it daily.

A digital board might include a collage with images of your dream home, the faces of inspiring leaders in your field, and affirmations like “I am achieving my goals every day.”

Tips for Effective Vision Boards:

Be Specific: To make your vision board most effective, be as specific as possible about your intentions. The more details you can provide for your visualizations the more powerful the effects are likely to be. Your images and affirmations should give your vision board a clear sense of time and intention. Are you aiming at professional success, better health, more leisure time, or enhanced relationships? The clearer you are about the elements of your vision, the greater the likelihood is of achieving the exact circumstances you have in mind.

Keep it Positive: Putting a vision board together should be a positive experience. When you visualize your future, you should focus on things that fill you with excitement and happiness. That’s why it’s most effective to include images of things that make you feel good. But you can also include affirmations that are related to any trauma or fears you may have. For example, you might include the affirmation, “I will find the strength and grace to accept the next chapter of my life.”

Update Regularly: As your goals evolve and adapt, so should your vision board. Plan to undergo a review of your board every few months to assess your long term goals, and make changes accordingly. Don’t feel like your vision board is a set-it-and-forget-it affair.

Reflect Often: Looking at the board once you’ve filled it in isn’t enough. You need to have a regular practice of reflecting on your board every day, visualizing your success. Reflect on the images and affirmations each morning and evening. Integrate this time into your daily routine – perhaps in the morning when you drink your first cup of coffee or in the evening after you’ve brushed your teeth and you’re headed for bed.


Whether digital or physical, an affirmation vision board is a powerful tool for visualizing your future and turning your dreams into goals. By selecting images and affirmations that align with your hopes and aspirations, you create a daily reminder of what you want and where you’re going. Just remember – the key is not just in making it, but in using it. Regular reflection and visualization can make a vision board even more effective, making your goals feel more real and attainable. With the right approach and tools, your affirmation vision board can be a cornerstone and a guide to a bright future.

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