Creating a Daily Affirmation Routine for Success

Group of friends meditation on the beach to practice affirmations and mindfullness.

Creating a daily affirmation routine for success sounds easy, but we all know how difficult keeping a habit actually can be. As we weave through our days, life can often seem chaotic—or even worse, mundane. We wonder where the hours went, why we lost our temper, or why we simply don’t feel our best.

The crazy schedules of life make the thought of finding a sense of calm and a feeling of positivity on a daily basis quite daunting. However, creating a daily affirmation routine can change all of that. Affirmations are condensed, powerful statements that are designed to foster a proactive, positive mental attitude. These statements flood both the subconscious and conscious mind, allowing a model of thought from which one can begin to create a plan for their life.

This guide will demonstrate how to build your affirmations-filled daily routine, complete with actionable to-do lists for each part to ensure your best possible chance at success.

Morning Routine: Developing a Tone for the Day

Wake Up with Gratitude

Start the day by giving thanks. This simple prayer of sorts will help you shift your thought process from one of lack to one of abundance and joy.

How to practice waking up with gratitude:

Think of three things you’re grateful for as soon as you slowly wake.

Before you leave your bedroom, verbalize each item: “I am grateful for [item 1], [item 2], [item 3] and today is going to be a great day!”

Morning Affirmations

Choose affirmations that improve your mood and encourage your daily goals. The more you can say them aloud, the easier it will become to embed these (hopefully) new beliefs into the file in your brain.

How to practice your morning affirmations:

Stand in front of your bathroom mirror and say affirmations such as, “I am capable, strong, and worthy of my dreams. I will not allow doubt or negativity to intimidate or derail me, starting now.”

The lights of the mirror will act to beam the expectation back at you, forcing you to see what an amazing future could look like.

Visualization and Meditation

Take a few minutes to think about what today's affirmations mean and how you’re going to actualize them. How can they be real when they feel so outside the realm of possibility? Then, fully immerse yourself in the sensation of taking just a few moments to relax into who you actually are.

*Tip: During your morning meditation, incorporate a personal mantra that aligns with your affirmations.

Noon Routine: Keeping the Momentum Going

Midday Mindfulness

Take a brief moment to reconnect with your affirmations, recalibrating your focus and energy towards your goals. Maybe they’re written down on your phone for a quick & easy reminder of how you started the day.

Use journaling as a tool to reaffirm your goals and the steps you’re taking towards achieving them. Write down positive experiences or progress towards your goals. Write a letter to yourself from the perspective of having achieved your goals, detailing how it feels and the steps you took to get there.

Physical well-being supports mental well-being. Affirm your commitment to taking care of your body by staying hydrated and giving your body the nutrients it needs to fuel itself throughout the day.

How to practice mindfulness during the day:
  • Take a short walk or find a quiet place to reiterate your morning affirmations.
  • Reflect on your morning’s achievements and remind yourself of your capabilities.
  • Participate in affirmative journaling

Night Routine: Reflecting and Resting

Evening Reflection

Reflect on the day, focusing on the positive aspects and learning from any challenges.

Guided evening reflection:
  • List three positive things that happened during the day and how they made you feel.
  • For any challenges faced, affirm, “Every challenge is an opportunity to grow.”

Nighttime Affirmations

Before sleep, engage in affirmations that promote restfulness and a positive outlook for the next day.

How to prep for rest:

In bed, repeat affirmations such as, “I release today’s stress. I am at peace and ready for a new day.” Visualize yourself waking up rejuvenated and ready to embrace the day.

Quality Sleep

Affording a restful night of sleep is not only crucial for mental and physical well-being but also for exercising the lung baby on your back. Before drifting off to sleep, affirm your need for rest to rejuvenate.

How to better your sleep:
  • Make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and conducive to rest.
  • As hard as it might be, develop a pre-sleep routine that includes turning off screens.

Make it a habit:

Consistency is key when it comes to affirmations. When you first start repeating these phrases aloud (or in your head), it may feel silly -- or even a little depressing, if your day was especially trying. With enough practice, however, these early-morning, midday, and late-night reflections will begin to shape a more positive mindset, influencing your actions and reactions as you navigate your daily routine.


Affirmations are most effective when they're tailored to your personal goals and challenges. Customize your mantras to reflect your aspirations, and stick with them. By weaving positive affirmations into your daily routines, you're not only nurturing a hopeful mindset, but also laying the groundwork for your greatest successes and the best possible well-being.

Remember, both self-betterment and the path to success have peaks and valleys. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate every moment moving onward and upward, no matter how minuscule it may seem. A daily affirmation routine aims to accomplish more than just immediate goals; it's about nurturing a lifelong pattern of positivity, resilience, and success.

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